Introducing New CryostaX Individual Donor Human Hepatocytes
Using single donor hepatocytes just got a whole lot easier.
We’ve just released new Single Donor CryostaX®. If you’ve used our CryostaX® pooled plateable or suspension hepatocytes, you know that our patented format helps scientists save precious time and allows for simplified pooling. Our new lots of single donor CryostaX® are prepared using the same patented preparation process, making it easier to customize the number of cells in each vial without thawing, mixing, and re-freezing as well as eliminating the thawing step when using them in the lab.
We have attaching/plateable lots available as well as suspension single donor CryostaX®. Our standard size comes with an assured minimum yield (AMY) of 5 million cells per vial but we can adjust up or down easily depending on the needs of your assays. Each lot of single donor CryostaX® comes with donor demographic information (Age, Race, Gender) and is characterized for viability and enzymatic activity. In plateable lots for induction studies, fold Induction for CYP1A2, 2B6 and 3A4 are determined by measuring both mRNA levels and enzymatic activities.