Establishment of PALSAR method for quantification of human cells in mouse kidney
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Establishment of PALSAR method for quantification of human cells in mouse kidney
Tetsuo Sekino, Akane Omori and AkiraIdeno
Analytical Technology Center for Drug Development, R&D division, SEKISUI MEDICAL CO.,LTD.
Presented at the virtual 2022 JSSX Meeting
qPCR and ddPCR are currently the most popular quantification methods for nonclinical biodistribution studies of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapeutics. Advantage of the PCR-based method is high sensitivity and specificity. On the other hand, since the method usually require the extraction and purification steps to avoid matrix effects, it is necessary to calculate recovery rate during extraction steps for each tissue. Therefore, there is a demand for a quantification method directly measuring from homogenate with high sensitivity and specificity.
We aimed to quantify the number of human cells directly in an animal tissue lysate by using PALSAR method without sample extraction.